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Product graphics

Product graphics are one the most versatile features of the service. With product graphics your customers can utilize their photos in countless different ways, like for example in photo posters, magnets, christmas cards, thank you cards, photo mugs, etc.


Graphic sets

Graphic sets allow you to select and price available graphics specifically for each photography event. You can select sports themed graphics for sport photography events, thank you -themed graphics for graduation photoshoots, kid-themed graphics for school- and kindergarten events, etc.


Creating graphic sets and selecting graphics

Start using graphics by creating a graphic set in the admin at Product graphics > Product graphic sets. Enter a name for your graphic set. The name of the set is for your eyes only, it's not shown to your customers. You can also select if you want this graphic set to be used as a default graphic set for events that do not have a specific graphic set defined. The default graphic set is also used when your customers are ordering products from their own photos (if you have allowed that).

When you're creating or editing a graphic set, on the left there's a list of graphic categories. Click a category to view graphics in that category. Select the graphics that you wish to be included in this graphic set.

Pricing the graphics

For each graphic you can see the products for which the graphic is designed for, what are it's production costs, and you can set your own sales price for the graphic. Some graphics use automatic background removal feature and a masking fee is debited from your settlements when using such graphics. The service contains also graphics that are made by third-party graphic designers. The designers may have set a sales price for these graphics that is also included in the production price.


Selecting graphic sets for events


When you're creating a photography event, click on Product graphics and select the graphic sets that you want to be available for this event. You can select one or more sets. If the sets contain the same graphics that have a different prices, the lowest price is used. This way if you have regularly priced graphics in one set, but wish to offer some graphics at lower prices for some events, you can select those graphics to a separate set and turn on that set for those events.

Automatic background removal

Some graphics contain photo areas that utilize background removal. With these graphics you can use either pre-masked photos (which mean that you have already removed the background from the photo before uploading, and you're uploading the photos in .PNG -format) or regular portrait photos with normal studio backgrounds. In this case the service will remove the background automatically.

How does it work?


Automatic background removal utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to try to detect which parts of the photo should be kept and which parts should be removed. After that it will process the bordering areas by using various algorithms for masking hair, clothing, etc. trying to make the border between the removed and kept areas as natural as possible.


Automatic background removal works best with portrait photos that use fairly simple backgrounds and the model is clearly separated from the background and where the subject and the props are sharp.

Automatic background removal pricing


The system will perform the background removal in two phases. When the customer is ordering the photos, a preview-sized operation is performed. Only after the customer has placed their order the operation is performed in full resolution. Preview-sized operations are free, full-resolution background removal fee is 0,50 € / ordered photo.

Background removal is performed only once per each ordered photo. If multiple orders or copies have been placed from the same photo, the masking operation is performed and billed only once. The full-sized background removal operation is deducted from your next settlement.


If you're using pre-masked photos, background removal process is not performed or billed.


Verifying orders that contain automatically removed backgrounds


The background removal AI has been trained and tested with hundreds of thousands of varying portrait photos. Despite of that it is still not always infallible. That's why orders that contain automatically removed backgrounds will remain in Pending verification-status and will not be transferred automatically to manufacturing. This way you can check yourself that the background removal process has been successful before the photos are printed out.

If you rely on the automatic background removal and would like to transfer the photos automatically to manufacturing, you can turn this option off at Settings > Photo handling > Set orders containing automatically removed backgrounds to Pending verification -status


Fixing automatically removed background


When you're viewing an order, you can click on the ordered photo file name to see the photo details. From there you can check what does the version with removed background look like. From there you can also download the masked version of the photo to yourself, and if the masking has errors, fix them in a photo editing software. After that you can upload the fixed version of the masked photo back to the system by clicking the  icon.


If you want to generate a masked version of a photo that has not yet been ordered, click  icon on top corner of the dialog and select Generate masked version.

Customizing graphics

Logos and colors


Some graphics contain a place for event-specific logo. Event-specific logo is most commonly used for sports photography where naturally the team logo is used.


In event settings you can upload a logo image to the event. The file should be a .PNG file with transparent background. The image should be large enough (about 3000-6000px) so that it wouldn't get pixelated even in larger print sizes.


In addition to the logo you can also define primary and secondary main colors for the event. Again in sports photography these colors are usually set to the team's colors. Some colors contain elements that are then colorized accordingly to match the team colors.

If your specific event doesn't require specific coloring, you can leave the colors empty. In that case the default colors of the graphic are used.

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