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Creating new event


Photography event is like a portfolio from a photoshoot. Photography events page you can see the list of your photoshoots and you can create new events by clicking the +New event. Give your photography event a name and choose the type of the event. It can be one of the following:


  • Regular photography event is suitable to photography sessions where all photos are visible with a single code (e.g. portraits). Although there can be several people in the photos they can all use the same photo code (e.g. families). 


  • School- or club photography users sign up (and allow children permissions to be photographed at school and daycare) for photography in advance and users can be divided in different groups. Each user only sees his / her own photos. You can send event sign up link by email or print sign up forms. Parents can then sign up for the photography event beforehand and then see and order the pictures when they are published. Photo codes can be divided to different groups e.g. in schools different classes are different groups. Groups can have different days and schedules for photography. Photos can be published by the group. Group photos can only be seen within their own group.

    •´s way of recognising different clients are the photography codes. Code can be 4-8 signs long individual number- and letter series which enables the customer to see and order personal photographs. can automate codes in mass photo shoots such as school and daycare photography sessions. These are called QR-codes. When you take a picture of the code before the actual portraits the system can recognise the code and tags all the photos to that code and event person.

    • If you want to delete extra sign up data click the field and choose the one or several ones you want to take off e.g. friend photo. If you want to add a sign up data of your own click under the line where is Add custom sign up fields. Fill in e.g. Family photo and add to the data field the same family photo. Choose how you want the customer to answer with a text, checkbox or multiple choice. In the end push Save settings. If you don't want to use our default sign up information you can add your own instructions to the field Custom sign-up instructions. In the sign-up form the customer can see the default or your own instructions and your price list.

    • Always use the Group picture QR -code in the photo shoot so that you take a picture of the code before the actual group photo. That way the system will automatically recognise the photo as group photo and show it to all individuals that are marked to the group. Remember to crop the group photo to the right printing size. You can set an automatic group picture frame from Product graphics - Product graphic sets - Group photos. That way the system will make an automatic white borders to the picture where there is your logo, photography events name and year.  If you want a different layout you can create your own template from Product graphics - Custom product graphics. You can also create a layout in Photoshop and mark the optimal picture size from the wheel setting in the right corner of the picture.

    • From the page Photo selection you can send a link to their Wilma pictures.  First check all the groups and see that every student has an individual picture. If they are missing a picture press the picture and choose a group picture or you can download a crop picture from a friend photo first to the students code and then choose it here. When you send the link to the school here is the message they will receive: Download the Wilma photo collage and name of the event


      From this link you can download the set of photos for the schools student administrations needs:


      Check that the name of the groups are correct (you can click the name of the group and correct it) and that the names of the persons are right and in order. You can change the order of the names by pushing from between the names. If you want to change the picture click and the window will open where you can choose an other picture. When the group and persons names are correct you can either save settings for later use or download the package of photos by clicking the "Download package" -button. After the system is ready you will receive a link where you can download a zip file with every ones photo for your use.


  • Event photography on is the same as school and club photography but you do not sign up beforehand. You have to estimate how many people you will photograph. Print photo codes for every possible client and give the code to the client after the photoshoot (remember to take a picture of the photo code before you start shooting photos). With the link to the photos they can see the pictures afterwards online when you have published them. Give your client an estimate how long you will take to get the pictures published so they know. If they try to log in with their individual links the system will ask them to leave their email address to be notified when the photos have been published. 


  • Public photo gallery photos are publicly available for anyone to see and order. Photos will be available for 6 months after which you can continue the photo storage time if you want to (2,50 eur / 6 months). Public photo gallery is the easiest way to sell public photos you have taken e.g. in an event or nature. You can also sell extraordinary pictures as files or prints and share your gallery as a link on your own pages.


In the Event description (optional) field you can add extra advice to your customer regarding your orders. This text will show above their photos. Load picture files as large JPG -files (e.g. long side 4000 px), so your clients can see the photo sharp and they can crop the picture and quality will not decrease. They can also order large print sizes. If you sell digital photo files you can choose what sizes your client can purchase the files (web size, large file or original file size). If you consider what colour profile is best option you should as the manufacturer of your choosing what is the most suitable for their work line.


When you create a new event for your customer you can choose are the photos retouched and ready for printing or do you want to edit the photos after the customer has made the order. You will get email from every order. If you have chosen to edit photos after the order you will get a list of photo files that are waiting editing. Retouch them and download the pictures with the same file name and then you can click the order as edited. Then the order will be sent to manufacturer or if there was only digital files they will be sent to the customer. If you have chosen to manufacture yourself you can now download the files for printing. You can follow the status of your order (waiting for retouch, waiting to be manufactured, In manufacturing, Delivered / Ready for pick up) on your Orders -page.





When you have published the event your client will receive this note:



Your pictures are now available in our webservice. 

Event code is XXXXXXX

You can order pictures from this web address

Note! You will receive 10% discount from all photoproducts when you make your order before DATE (if quick order discount is on) 



Photographers name

Photographers email

Photographers phone number


You can start to use the service by making test events to yourself and try different event types by downloading your own pictures and publishing them to your own email. So you can practise the process. If you need more assistance or answers to your questions send them to us by e-mail or check the list of Frequently asked questions.

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