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General Settings

First you should check that your contact information and settings are correct. The settings varie depending on do you manufacture the pictures yourself or send them yourself forward or do you choose a certain manufacturer from the system.





Fill out your contact information. This information is in order confirmations so that your customers can contact you. Notification email: Fill in your email address where you want notifications of the orders to come





Add your companies VAT -number and account number so we can send your settlements when the amount is more than 50 euros. We make settlements every monday and you will get a report to your email. If you use co-operative societys billing system add the vat number of the society and their bank account number to kuvatilaus account settings.





  • Watermark: Put a cross here if you want watermark to be added to your photos. You can also customise your own watermark by sending a file here. If you havent choosed a file the system will use standard watermark. If you send your own customised watermark it will be added as it is. Prepare the file so that it is transparent the way you want. Watermark file must be transparent PNG-file and it should be square formed with resolution of 2400 pixels. The file is going to be scaled so that it will fit the whole area and placed in the middle. Watermarks are added only when you download pictures to the system. If you have already downloaded pictures before and you change the watermark settings it will not add watermarks to your pictures afterwards. 

  • Product graphics: Allow product graphics made by professional graphic designers. If you select this, all product graphics made by graphic designers are enabled for your customers without you having to select them separately for each product. Product graphics are also updated automatically when new graphics are being added to the service. You can disable this for individual events in the event settings.

  • Default group photo size: Choose which size of group photos you want to make in school- and daycare photoshoots. When you take a picture of the group photo QR -code, it will be automaticly set to this size and it can only be ordered this size photo print. You can change this setting afterwards in photo management. Read more from “Organizing photos”.

  • Photo lab: choose settings will you manufacture yourself or handle manufacturing by yourself or will you choose one of the manufacturers in the system. If you manufacture yourself choose the products you can print or you can order yourself and set the selling price. If you choose a manufacturer the product settings and manufacturing costs are set by them. You will set the selling price to the customer. will deduct manufacturing costs from orders and settle them to the manufacturer automatically.

  • Photo files: tick this box, if you sell photo files and you want kuvatilaus ordering system to send the files automaticly after the order. The client will receive an email link where the files can be uploaded to their computer. The files are sent when the order has been marked as edited or if there is not editing mark chosen the email with the link to the files will be sent directly after the order.

  • Consumer photos: add a mark here if you want to allow your clients to download and order their own photographs through your account. You create your own consumer pricelist. You can share the link to your consumer photo webshop on your netsite. Your own linki is Replace kuvaaja-x with your own photography username in

  • Consumer pricelist: is you want that your clients can send and order their own photos choose a pricelist you have made here. How to create pricelist you can read more under Pricelists.

  • Consumer photo handling fee: set the handling fee which will be added to order price





Set to this page your delivery methods and the manufacturing time of photos


  • Pick up allowed: put a mark here if you want to specify which places the orderer can pick up finished photo-orders. Places of businesses you can specify in Settings -pages left side section called Outlets.

  • Deliveries: choose delivery method for manufactured photos and products.

  • Note! if you have "Pickup allowed" setting on the customer will see the address which is written in the settings page. If you want the pick up place to be elsewhere take the cross off from Pickup allowed and make a new delivery method where you have the address you want clients to see.





Set payment methods


  • Online payments Online payments are always on use

  • Postal delivery: Put a cross here if you want to allow collect on delivery. Next field is for the cost that will be added to the price if collect on delivery has ben chosen.

  • Pay upon pickup: Put a cross here if you want allow orderers to also pay upon pickup. This setting is only in use if you have chosen Pick up allowed. If your customers pay when picking up the order the comission of that order will show in your balance sheet minus marked. If the total balance is negative in the end of the month we will send you a bill of your comissions.





  • Default language

  • Front page cover image: You can personate the service by choosing a different background picture from the options or download one of your own.

  • Google Analytics: UA-42667451-2

  • Allow customer reviews: sends a link with the order confirmation so that your customer can leave feedback if they want to for example about photo event, information, pictures and ordering service. Feedback is for the photographer and you can reply to the customer if they have filled in contact information. Photographer can use feedback in marketing if the client has allowed feedback to be published.





  • You can invite new users to your account or certain events. Admin users can see all events and orders and can change any settings. Assistant users can only see and modify the events they are explicitly added to but nothing else.





  • System languages at the moment in customer web shop side for the clients are Finnish, Swedish, English, Norwegian and French. Administration side at the moment is translated to Finnish, English and Norwegian.  

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